

This patch provides the ability to assign different weights to clients in their respective stack in tiled layout. It implements a new function setcfact which will modify the cfact-value for the currently selected client. It accepts the following values:

Default cfact-value for each client is 1.0. If a client is assigned a cfact value of 0.5 it will be allocated half of the space other clients would be allocated. If a client is assigned a cfact value of 2.0 it will be allocated twice the space other clients would be allocated.

The following illustrates the behavior. The clients cfact-values are represented by floats inside the clients rectangles.

|          |   0.5    |
|   1.0    +----------+
+----------+          |
|          |   1.0    |
|          +----------+
|   2.0    |          |
|          |   1.0    |

Default key bindings

 Key     Argument   Description
 Mod-H   +0.25      Increase cfact
 Mod-L   -0.25      Decrease cfact
 Mod-O    0.00      Reset cfact


Additional layouts with cfacts

Just patch these on top of the original cfacts patch.
