deck layout
is a dwm-layout which is inspired by the TTWM window manager.
It applies the monocle-layout to the clients in the stack.
The master-client is still visible. The stacked clients are like
a deck of cards, hence the name.
The vanilla patch doesn't respect the master-area which is defined by the rmaster-patch. To make it work with the rmaster-patch apply the dwm-deck-rmaster patch on top of the dwm-deck patch.
The vanilla patch doesn't work properly with patches which add gaps. This means that when the deck-layout is activated gaps are omitted. To make it work with the tilegap-patch apply the dwm-deck-tilegap patch on top of the dwm-deck patch.
This patch variant adds a layout function named doubledeck which is similar to the deck layout. However, rather then just creating a deck area in the stack; it also creates a deck area in the master area. This pairs nicely with the bartabgroups patch.
Tile :
| | |
| | S1 |
| | |
| M +--------+
| | |
| | S2 |
| | |
Deck :
| | |
| | |
| | |
| M | S1 |
| | |
| | |
| | |
- dwm-deck-6.0.diff
- dwm-deck-6.2.diff
- dwm-deck-rmaster-6.1.diff
- dwm-deck-tilegap-6.1.diff
- dwm-deck-double-6.2.diff
- dwm-deck-double-smartborders-6.2.diff : can be applied after smartborders
- Jente Hidskes -
<jthidskes at outlook dot com>
- Joshua Haase -
<hahj87 at gmail dot com>
- Aleksandrs Stier
- Miles Alan -
<m at milesalan dot com>
(deck double patch) - Jack Bird -
(6.2 patch)