center first window ===================


This patch centers window if it is a single window opened. When any other window opens, then they tile normally, and if all other windows will close, it will center again.

It is usefull for apps like - terminal, if you don't want that it cover all of the master area, when no other apps are opened.


It can be enabled for any window in config file, by setting CenterThisWindow to 1:

/* class      	instance    title    tags mask     isfloating        CenterThisWindow?     monitor */
{ "st",         NULL,       NULL,    0,            0,     	     1,		           -1 },

With one and two clients in master respectively results in:

   +-----------------------------+         +-----------------------------+
   |                             |         | +------------+ +----------+ |
   |                             |         | |            | |          | |
   |                             |         | |            | |          | |
   |       +-------------+       |         | |            | |          | |
   |       |    Single   |       |         | |  Terminal  | | Terminal | |
   |       |   Terminal  |       |         | |  Window 1  | | Window 2 | |
   |       |    Window   |       |         | |            | |          | |
   |       +-------------+       |         | |            | |          | |
   |                             |         | |            | |          | |
   |                             |         | |            | |          | |
   |                             |         | +------------+ +----------+ |
   +-----------------------------+         +-----------------------------+

