focus adjacent tag
This patch provides the ability to focus the tag on the immediate left or right of the currently focused tag. It also allows to send the focused window either on the left or the right tag.
Default key bindings
Key Description
Mod-Left Focus tag on the left, if any.
Mod-Right Focus tag on the right, if any.
Mod-Shift-Left Send focused window to tag on the left, if any.
Mod-Shift-Right Send focused window to tag on the right, if any.
- dwm-focusadjacenttag-6.3.diff
- dwm-focusadjacenttag-6.0.diff (Unclean patch, Author emailed about this issue already)
- Adrian Amaglio - 6.3 patch and config place fix
- Fabio Banfi -
<fbanfi90 at gmail dot com>