- about
- customisation/
- dynamic window management/
- faq/
- multi monitor/
- multi pointer/
- patches/
- accessnthmonitor/
- activemonitor/
- activetagindicatorbar/
- actualfullscreen/
- adjacenttag/
- allowkillrule/
- alpha/
- alt tab/
- alt tab class/
- alternativetags/
- alttab2/
- alttagsdecoration/
- alwayscenter/
- alwaysfullscreen/
- alwaysontop/
- amixer integration/
- anybar/
- appicons/
- aspectresize/
- attachabove/
- attachaside/
- attachasideandbelow/
- attachbelow/
- attachbottom/
- attachdirection/
- attachtop/
- autodarkmode/
- autoraise windows/
- autoresize/
- autostart/
- autostarttags/
- autoswitch/
- awesomebar/
- azerty/
- backlight/
- bar height/
- barconfig/
- barpadding/
- bartabgroups/
- bartoggle/
- betterswallow/
- bidi/
- blanktags/
- borderrule/
- bottomstack/
- bulkill/
- canfocusfloating/
- canfocusrule/
- center/
- center first window/
- centered tags/
- centeredmaster/
- centeredwindowname/
- centretitle/
- cfacts/
- clientindicators/
- clientmonoclesymbol/
- clientopacity/
- clientresizehints/
- clientspertag/
- cmdcustomize/
- colemak keys/
- colorbar/
- colorschemes/
- columngaps/
- columns/
- combo/
- cool autostart/
- cropwindows/
- current desktop/
- cursorwarp/
- cyclelayouts/
- cycleview/
- cyclewindows/
- dash above activeWindow/
- deck/
- decoration hints/
- default tag apps/
- defaultlayoutpermonitor/
- defaultmfact/
- defaulttag/
- defaulttransparency/
- desktoponly/
- destroyfocus/
- dmenumatchtop/
- doublepressquit/
- dragmfact/
- dualstatus/
- dwmc/
- dwmfifo/
- dynamicscratchpads/
- dynamicswallow/
- emptyview/
- environmentvars/
- ewmhtags/
- exitmenu/
- exresize/
- extrabar/
- fadeinactive/
- fakefullscreen/
- fancybar/
- fibonacci/
- fixmultimon/
- flextile/
- float border color/
- floatborderwidth/
- floatrules/
- focusadjacenttag/
- focusbynum/
- focusfullscreen/
- focusmaster/
- focusmonmouse/
- focusonclick/
- focusonnetactive/
- focusurgent/
- focusvisibletagstacks/
- foreground/
- freespace/
- fsignal/
- fullgaps/
- fullscreen/
- functionalgaps/
- gaplessgrid/
- gaps/
- gestures/
- goatcmd/
- goback/
- graballkeycodes/
- gridmode/
- hide vacant tags/
- hideborder/
- historical/
- holdbar/
- horizgrid/
- horizontal/
- horizontal vertical i3/
- ignore transient windows/
- inplacerotate/
- insets/
- integrated status text/
- ipc/
- ispermanent/
- keybindings/
- keychain/
- keychord/
- keycodes/
- keymodes/
- keypressrelease/
- killfocusnext/
- killunsel/
- launcher/
- launcher colors/
- layoutmenu/
- layoutmonitorrules/
- layoutscroll/
- leftlayout/
- leftstack/
- locktagsfor/
- mainmon/
- mark/
- maximize/
- monocle count/
- monoclesymbol/
- movecenter/
- movekeyboard/
- moveontagmon/
- moveplace/
- moveresize/
- movestack/
- movethrow/
- movetoedge/
- mpdcontrol/
- multikey/
- multimon/
- multimonitorscratchpads/
- multipledynamicscratchpads/
- namedscratchpads/
- nametag/
- nextprev/
- nmaster/
- nmaxmaster/
- noborder/
- noborderflicker/
- notallowed/
- notitle/
- nrowgrid/
- onlyquitonempty/
- pango/
- pertag/
- preserveonrestart/
- preventfocusshift/
- preview all win/
- push/
- pwkl/
- qubesdecorations/
- qubesrules/
- quitprompt/
- rainbowtags/
- ratiofullscreen/
- rearrangebar/
- rebootcmd/
- refreshrate/
- removeborder/
- reorganizetags/
- resetlayout/
- resetnmaster/
- resizecorners/
- resizehere/
- restartsig/
- restoreafterrestart/
- rmaster/
- rotatestack/
- rotatetags/
- rulerefresher/
- save floats/
- scheme switch/
- scratchpad/
- scratchpads/
- script tags/
- selectivefakefullscreen/
- selfrestart/
- sendmoncenter/
- setborderpx/
- setstatus/
- setxkbgroup/
- sgrstatus/
- shift tools/
- showselmon/
- shutdowncmd/
- single tagset/
- singularborders/
- sizehints/
- smartborders/
- solarized/
- spawn cwd/
- spawnprograms/
- spawntag/
- splitstatus/
- sshawarespawn/
- stacker/
- stackmfact/
- stairs/
- staticstatus/
- status2d/
- statusallmons/
- statusbarfont/
- statusbutton/
- statuscmd/
- statuscolors/
- statuspadding/
- stdin/
- steam/
- sticky/
- stickyindicator/
- swallow/
- swapfocus/
- swaptags/
- switch all monitor tags/
- switchcol/
- switchtotag/
- systray/
- tab/
- tag previews/
- tagall/
- tagcolorscheme/
- tagfun/
- taggrid/
- tagintostack/
- taglabels/
- taglayouts/
- tagothermonitor/
- tagshift/
- tagspawn/
- tapresize/
- tatami/
- three column/
- throwtoothertag/
- tiledmove/
- tilegap/
- tilewide/
- titlecolor/
- toggleallmons/
- togglebar/
- togglebartag/
- toggleborder/
- togglefloatingcenter/
- toggletopbar/
- torus/
- transfer/
- truecenteredtitle/
- two monitor setup/
- underlinetags/
- unfloatvisible/
- unicode ellipsis/
- urgentborder/
- uselessgap/
- vanitygaps/
- viewonrulestag/
- viewontag/
- vtcolors/
- warp/
- win31theme/
- windowfollow/
- windowmap/
- winicon/
- winview/
- xfce4 panel/
- xkb/
- xrdb/
- xresources/
- xtheme/
- xtile/
- zeroastag/
- zoomswap/
- screenshots/
- status monitor/
- tutorial/
Ignore Transient Windows
This fix issues working with Jetbrains applications and the UE4 Editor.
Also, not sure if needed but add the following for some java applications before launching dwm:
The real authors of this patch are Ar4m1d and bakkeby from reddit, I just put it on a patch to share it to anyone who find it useful: https://www.reddit.com/r/suckless/comments/k67tso/dwmwebstormjetbrainswebstormwindowbecomes/
- Ar4m1d and bakkeby from reddit
- Jesús Mastache Caballero BrunoCooper17@outlook.com