- about
- customisation/
- dynamic window management/
- faq/
- multi monitor/
- multi pointer/
- patches/
- accessnthmonitor/
- activemonitor/
- activetagindicatorbar/
- actualfullscreen/
- adjacenttag/
- allowkillrule/
- alpha/
- alt tab/
- alt tab class/
- alternativetags/
- alttab2/
- alttagsdecoration/
- alwayscenter/
- alwaysfullscreen/
- alwaysontop/
- amixer integration/
- anybar/
- appicons/
- aspectresize/
- attachabove/
- attachaside/
- attachasideandbelow/
- attachbelow/
- attachbottom/
- attachdirection/
- attachtop/
- autodarkmode/
- autoraise windows/
- autoresize/
- autostart/
- autostarttags/
- autoswitch/
- awesomebar/
- azerty/
- backlight/
- bar height/
- barconfig/
- barpadding/
- bartabgroups/
- bartoggle/
- betterswallow/
- bidi/
- blanktags/
- borderrule/
- bottomstack/
- bulkill/
- canfocusfloating/
- canfocusrule/
- center/
- center first window/
- centered tags/
- centeredmaster/
- centeredwindowname/
- centretitle/
- cfacts/
- clientindicators/
- clientmonoclesymbol/
- clientopacity/
- clientresizehints/
- clientspertag/
- cmdcustomize/
- colemak keys/
- colorbar/
- colorschemes/
- columngaps/
- columns/
- combo/
- cool autostart/
- cropwindows/
- current desktop/
- cursorwarp/
- cyclelayouts/
- cycleview/
- cyclewindows/
- dash above activeWindow/
- deck/
- decoration hints/
- default tag apps/
- defaultlayoutpermonitor/
- defaultmfact/
- defaulttag/
- defaulttransparency/
- desktoponly/
- destroyfocus/
- dmenumatchtop/
- doublepressquit/
- dragmfact/
- dualstatus/
- dwmc/
- dwmfifo/
- dynamicscratchpads/
- dynamicswallow/
- emptyview/
- environmentvars/
- ewmhtags/
- exitmenu/
- exresize/
- extrabar/
- fadeinactive/
- fakefullscreen/
- fancybar/
- fibonacci/
- fixmultimon/
- flextile/
- float border color/
- floatborderwidth/
- floatrules/
- focusadjacenttag/
- focusbynum/
- focusfullscreen/
- focusmaster/
- focusmonmouse/
- focusonclick/
- focusonnetactive/
- focusurgent/
- focusvisibletagstacks/
- foreground/
- freespace/
- fsignal/
- fullgaps/
- fullscreen/
- functionalgaps/
- gaplessgrid/
- gaps/
- gestures/
- goatcmd/
- goback/
- graballkeycodes/
- gridmode/
- hide vacant tags/
- hideborder/
- historical/
- holdbar/
- horizgrid/
- horizontal/
- horizontal vertical i3/
- ignore transient windows/
- inplacerotate/
- insets/
- integrated status text/
- ipc/
- ispermanent/
- keybindings/
- keychain/
- keychord/
- keycodes/
- keymodes/
- keypressrelease/
- killfocusnext/
- killunsel/
- launcher/
- launcher colors/
- layoutmenu/
- layoutmonitorrules/
- layoutscroll/
- leftlayout/
- leftstack/
- locktagsfor/
- mainmon/
- mark/
- maximize/
- monocle count/
- monoclesymbol/
- movecenter/
- movekeyboard/
- moveontagmon/
- moveplace/
- moveresize/
- movestack/
- movethrow/
- movetoedge/
- mpdcontrol/
- multikey/
- multimon/
- multimonitorscratchpads/
- multipledynamicscratchpads/
- namedscratchpads/
- nametag/
- nextprev/
- nmaster/
- nmaxmaster/
- noborder/
- noborderflicker/
- notallowed/
- notitle/
- nrowgrid/
- onlyquitonempty/
- pango/
- pertag/
- preserveonrestart/
- preventfocusshift/
- preview all win/
- push/
- pwkl/
- qubesdecorations/
- qubesrules/
- quitprompt/
- rainbowtags/
- ratiofullscreen/
- rearrangebar/
- rebootcmd/
- refreshrate/
- removeborder/
- reorganizetags/
- resetlayout/
- resetnmaster/
- resizecorners/
- resizehere/
- restartsig/
- restoreafterrestart/
- rmaster/
- rotatestack/
- rotatetags/
- rulerefresher/
- save floats/
- scheme switch/
- scratchpad/
- scratchpads/
- script tags/
- selectivefakefullscreen/
- selfrestart/
- sendmoncenter/
- setborderpx/
- setstatus/
- setxkbgroup/
- sgrstatus/
- shift tools/
- showselmon/
- shutdowncmd/
- single tagset/
- singularborders/
- sizehints/
- smartborders/
- solarized/
- spawn cwd/
- spawnprograms/
- spawntag/
- splitstatus/
- sshawarespawn/
- stacker/
- stackmfact/
- stairs/
- staticstatus/
- status2d/
- statusallmons/
- statusbarfont/
- statusbutton/
- statuscmd/
- statuscolors/
- statuspadding/
- stdin/
- steam/
- sticky/
- stickyindicator/
- swallow/
- swapfocus/
- swaptags/
- switch all monitor tags/
- switchcol/
- switchtotag/
- systray/
- tab/
- tag previews/
- tagall/
- tagcolorscheme/
- tagfun/
- taggrid/
- tagintostack/
- taglabels/
- taglayouts/
- tagothermonitor/
- tagshift/
- tagspawn/
- tapresize/
- tatami/
- three column/
- throwtoothertag/
- tiledmove/
- tilegap/
- tilewide/
- titlecolor/
- toggleallmons/
- togglebar/
- togglebartag/
- toggleborder/
- togglefloatingcenter/
- toggletopbar/
- torus/
- transfer/
- truecenteredtitle/
- two monitor setup/
- underlinetags/
- unfloatvisible/
- unicode ellipsis/
- urgentborder/
- uselessgap/
- vanitygaps/
- viewonrulestag/
- viewontag/
- vtcolors/
- warp/
- win31theme/
- windowfollow/
- windowmap/
- winicon/
- winview/
- xfce4 panel/
- xkb/
- xrdb/
- xresources/
- xtheme/
- xtile/
- zeroastag/
- zoomswap/
- screenshots/
- status monitor/
- tutorial/
This patch provides a keybinding to center focused windows.
Press MOD + x to center the focused floating window.
It does NOT uncenter the window back to its previous location. It does not center windows that are not floating.
The original code is from the togglefloatingcenter patch.
- dwm-movecenter-6.2.diff - 2021-10-31
- dwm-movecenter-6.4.diff - 2024-02-10
- dwm-movecenter-6.5.diff - 2024-09-02
- Philip Thomas K. - philtomk@gmail.com