SGR in status text
Allows the use of CSI SGR escape sequences in the status bar text to change text rendition. Currently supported are:
- color changes (either 16 or 256, depending on chosen patch)
- alternate font (ones listed in fonts[] array)
- reverse, underline, strikethrough, overline
Download the patch and apply it according to the general instructions.
Modify the barcolors definition in 'config.h' to suit your needs. For the 16 color version, you should have at least 16 colors defined.
Add code to your status script to output CSI SGR codes. They take the form ESC[1;2;3;4m.
- 0 resets all formatting
- 1 makes text bright (not bold)
- 4 underlines
- 7 reverses
- 9 strike-through's
- 10-19 alternate font
- 53 overlines
- 30-37 sets foreground color
- 40-47 sets background color
In addition the 256 color version allows the use of: ESC[38;5;123m
to set
foreground to color 123 (48 changes background).
With slstatus, you can have your date in bright red using:
{ datetime, "\033[1;31m%s\e[0m", "%F %T" },
For a more pointless example, you could combine slstatus -s with nyancat:
slstatus -s | nyancat -2 | while read l; do xsetroot -name "$l"; done
And you'll get something like .
For 256 color support, apply the following on top:
- Santtu Lakkala -