useless gap
For aesthetic purposes, this patch:
- adds "useless gaps" around windows
- removes everything (gaps and borders) when in monocle mode for aesthetic purpose.
The size of the gap is configured in config.h
static const unsigned int gappx = 6; /* gap pixel between windows */
No gaps:
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With gaps around windows:
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NB: there are some alternatives in the patches section, adding gaps between windows, but not between windows and the screen borders, only in the default tile mode...
- dwm-uselessgap-20211119-58414bee958f2.diff (20211119) Fixed a bug that caused the inner vertical gap between the master and stack to be wider than the rest of the gaps. Disabled resizehints.
- dwm-uselessgap-20200719-bb2e722.diff (20200719) Fixed a bug where when moving a client to a different monitor, sometimes the gaps and the border wolud be drawn, when they shouldn't.
- dwm-uselessgap-6.2.diff
- dwm-uselessgap-6.1.diff (4K) (20150815), now supports nmaster.
- dwm-uselessgap-5.9.diff (1.8k) (20110107 updated. Thanks Jordan for your bug report) Updated to use the new resizeclient() function instead of resize()
- dwm-uselessgap-5.8.diff (1.7k) (20100225 updated. Thanks Guillaume for your bug report) Fix floating clients bug and remove all borders in monocle mode.
- jerome -
- Cyril Cressent - (6.2 port)
- Mateus Auler - <mateusauler at protonmail dot com> (Bugfix)
- Thim Cederlund - <thim at cederlund dot de>